Thursday, February 14, 2008

British EFL Instructor Saved by a little Knowledge

Mr. Graham, A British foreign language teacher based in Saudi Arabia, felt the sharp pains of a stroke coming on while taking his morning shower. Knowing the symptoms of the age old killer, the 59 year old teacher raced to the hospital to receive proper care. Graham, still recovering from the stroke, but now in good shape, hopes to return to teaching in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia in the near future.

Foreign English teachers around the world die every year due to careless behavior or a lack of knowledge of any medical conditions they may have. While in a foreign country, you should still be aware of your physical condition and frequent the doctor when a check-up is necessary. Your health should not be postponed due to a lack of communication in a foreign country.

Further information on Mr. Graham's story can be seen at:

By Jim Korea

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